The Nigerian Dwarf goat is of West African origin, it is believed that it was originally imported to the United States to be used as food for large carnivores in zoos. They have since become very popular as a dairy goat due to their miniature size and colorful markings. They resemble the larger dairy goat breeds in type and refinement. Any combination of colors and patterns are acceptable. Blue eyes and “moonspots” are popular traits as is being naturally polled. Most Nigerian Dwarf goats are horned but disbudded as kids. Horns are not allowed in the dairy goat show ring. Shorter height is the primary breed characteristic of the Nigerian Dwarf, with does measuring no more than 22 1/2” at the withers and bucks measuring no more than 23 1/2″ at the withers, although many adult nigerians are much shorter than this. They are known for their high quality milk, often with exceptionally high butterfat content. Nigerian Dwarf goats are gentle, friendly, hardy animals that thrive in almost any climate. They are popular as a pet and can be easily trained. Their small size make them a great choice for families with small children. Even mature bucks, although smelly, can be handled by children with relative ease. Nigerian Dwarf goats are not seasonal breeders and can be bred at any given time during the year. They reach sexual maturity at a young age, bucks should be separated from the does by about eight weeks of age. Most breeders wait until their does reach a year or more in age to breed them. Does usually have multiple kids, even quads and quints are fairly common.